2nd Clan Deathmatch

Ready for another Clan Deathmatch?

Day: Tomorrow, Thursday 16 June 2011.


Italy 20:30
Belgium 20:30
Germany 20:30
France 20:30
Israel 21:30

Server: Terra Nova (in case of connection problems we’ll meet in BallerBude and there decide what to do).

Proposed Maps: Ghost Town, Alamo 2, Tijuana.

I’ll take screenshots at the end of each match so to document the scores (yes, now I have my bind back).

posted by Biondo in *LAME* Clan,Deathmatches,Graphics & Photos and have Comments (3)

3 Responses to “2nd Clan Deathmatch”

  1. JippiJaYeah says:

    Big thx for taken picture.
    I was a little bit confused about all the new maps for me.

  2. Biondo says:

    No sure if they should be posted here or elsewhere, but here are the scores (of course with r_picmip 9):

  3. JesseJames says:

    OK, hopely I win 1 game a kind of revenge by last week. And hopely that the girlfriend of ZaPaTa don’t come this evening. 🙂
    I wish you all a nice game guys.
    BTW: a nice cartoon!

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