BallerBude stats fun

I had forgotten that in BallerBude stats pages you can compare your performance towards that of another player.

If you are a registered user, and you clicked the “Remember” button in your stats page, when you visit another player’s page you have the possibility to click the “Compare” button.

As an example see Biondo compared to Mope:

We are very close, Mope.  The conclusion (printed on stats comparison) make me smile 🙂

Comparison Count and Conclusion
We can conclude that *LAME*Biondo ownes *LAME*Mope in 6 of 11 total comparison sections!

posted by Biondo in *LAME* Clan,BallerBude & Co. and have Comments (10)

10 Responses to “BallerBude stats fun”

  1. Biondo says:

    Yes 🙂 ty

  2. Sunrise says:

    Th point is that the comparison ends with the sentence:
    “We can conclude that *Lame*Biondo ownes *LAME*Mope in 6 of 11 total comparison sections.”
    But Skill and Playerrank is basicly the same.
    If your skill is higher than Mopes skill, your rank will be higher too.
    S0 there are only 10 DIFFERENT comparison sections and you win 5 of them.
    Then there are these 2 sections Teamkills_p_round and
    Teamdeaths_p_round, which are kind of usless
    (In deathmatch there are no teams.).
    You lost in both sections. The reason is:
    you have remembered your stats and not the stats of Mope.
    If you choose Mopes stats to remember instead of yours, he will loose in these sections. So there should be only 8 sections (skill, connections, rounds, kill_p_round, death_p_round, winstreak and lo0streak)
    In five of these relevant sections you are better than Mope.
    So the final sentence should be:
    Th point is that the comparison ends with the sentence:
    “We can conclude that *Lame*Biondo ownes *LAME*Mope in 5 of 8 total comparison sections.”
    I hope you understand now.

  3. Biondo says:

    Hmm… not sure I completely understand what you said. The feature was introduced by Doc and it’s to him to fix everything that need to be fixed (if any).

  4. Sunrise says:

    Ouh another great option to compare yourself with other dm players, but it seems like the system isn’t fully sophisticated.
    First like Mope already mentioned, skill is counted twice , inasmuch the rank is skill-based.
    By testing this feature, i noticed the second point, which concerns the team-kills and team-deaths per round.
    As you can see in your example, your name is written red in both cases, which means you lost there. While playing around with your new toy(;D), i detected that it depends on the player you choose to remember. If you remember yourself you will always present the other one with two free points.
    Consequently, there are only 8 different sections to compare.
    Maybe you or Doc (i don’t know, who introduced this feature) can fix this.

  5. @spi says:

    stats are strange, and i think they are a little bit buggy, or not realy correct.
    Have you read the help about calculation ratio etc

    btw. i put up all needed files for terranova to

    so you do not need to autodownload it ingame

    chears @spi

    • Biondo says:

      Thanks @spi. In the meanwhile Doc gave an excellent explanation of BB stats (see next post).

  6. Mope says:

    thnx for info about bots, agreed, but sometimes killing them is useful to get score against more skilled or hard-camping enemy, to win the round. We can discuss it in “Strategy” section, that should appear under “Secrets”.

    I’ve lost all my stats one day, when I’ve formatted my PC and had to download SG files 2nd time (had to backup them!!) So that’s why my number of connections is only smth like 800. And I think, I can share your status of “Nothing better to do” )). Not officially, of course.

    And I’m really proud to see you’ve achieved 1st place on BB stats. Hope to get there 1 day too… )) BTW, we must create here a Gallery of Honor, and store such screenshots there.

    And, yeah, I like to play for fun myself, getting crazy, throwing Molotovs and knives! Especially I love to get crazy on a train!

  7. Mope says:

    I don’t think this comparison table is well organized. The player rank, for example is result of death/kill ratio, skill, etc. So it’s duplicates parameters, that are already included in comparison.

    The only thing I really care about is a death/kill ratio (which is always close for us, Biondo). That’s number that is most clear. Who cares of how much poor bots I’ve killed from gatling at one really boring night, and gained that nice winstreak? But I can’t deny, I always look on my position at overall BB stats.

    They really must remove the “number of connections” parameter from there… That has nothing to do with skill.

    • Biondo says:

      To be honest, Mope, I don’t believe 100% in BB stats. One day I’m at 25th position and next day I’m at 50th.

      Death/kill ratio: I don’t consider it too much, because I’m the (lame) one that goes with a single knife against a full weapons armoured opponent 🙂 (yes I know, I die too much frequently).

      If you want to get a better score in BB stats you have to die less (Doc told me this… right Doc?… This means: have a good strategy, have fast reactions, have good ping, know the maps and know the game, and… camp a lot, as Muffin and Nautica do, or … be TheDoctor), but I’m not that kind of player.

      Bots: this doesn’t count as much as you think. In Baller if you kill a bot you don’t gain so much. TheDoctor tweaked BigBrotherBot stats (BigBrotherBot, also known as B3, is the software that lets administrators to better administer and that generates stats) so that killing a bot you don’t get a better score, or not so much. Can I show you when I was at 1st place in BB stats? This is a screenshot I took before TheDoctor corrected the problem (I took it so I’ll be able to show it to the sons of my son 🙂 ). Please notice that:
      – TheDoctor is hidden in stats
      – At that time there weren’t many players in Baller (and surely not Pros as Muffin or Nautica).

      You can improve your scores killing real noobs, and avoiding Pros. But this is not totally fair. It can happens, but it shouldn’t be the rule.

      Update (August 2011)
      : In BallerBude the way skills are determined has changed: you get rewarded with skill points if you fight against pros and you don’t get points if you fight against bots or noobs.

      Number of connections: I think it’s correct to show this data. I connected 3013 times (I won 2 awards for that 😉 : “Bone collector = Highest number of kills”, of course, ah ah, and “Most rounds played = Nothing better to do”, ah ah again). This data gives an idea of the player real skills: a player registered since 1 week can have a very good score, but it doesn’t mean anything. A player registered since 2 years… OK, we have data about him. Moreover, if somebody is playing so much time (“Nothing better to do”) and he still appears on second page of scores… sure he is a lame!
      Mope, when you’ll have played 2,932 rounds, you’ll have a score much more better than mine!

      Just to be clear (I don’t want to be misunderstood): I published this (public) post just to let all players know of this Baller’s stats function, not to glorify myself. I know of other players that look at stats after every game… no, I play just for fun and I’m in *LAME* also because of it’s name, because I’m lame. Don’t look at stats and you’ll play better.

  8. JesseJames says:

    Nice, You can everything. I like that you can see on wich map you are good. But it’s a pity that I have 2 statics, because I play on 2 pc’s.

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