Best Terra Nova map

After having played our weekly deathmatches in Terra Nova for more than 8 months, it’s time to summarize which maps the clan enjoyed more. Not all matches were well documented, but 90% of them were. So, this is the chart for 45 games played, and the winner is … Tijuana, with a total of 16 games!

posted by Biondo in *LAME* Clan,BallerBude & Co.,Deathmatches,Graphics & Photos and have Comments (4)

4 Responses to “Best Terra Nova map”

  1. JesseJames says:

    Oh yes too early in the morning 😉

  2. Biondo says:

    Yes, of course you are right! It’s Lago. Lake (aka Greenhill Lake) is the fourth from left.

    I’ll correct it as soon as possible.

  3. JesseJames says:

    Haha Tiujana is the best map ever in Terra Nova :). But indeed it’s the print of Lago and not lake, i think we played more than 2 times in lake, not?

  4. SAPE says:

    Nice work Biondo!
    But the third from the right side…I think it isn’t lake, it is lago

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