It’s that time again!

You don’t mess with *LAME*.

So the boys (and girl) need some practice. Who’s in for a clanmatch tonight?
I propose one DM-game, followed by one or more TDM (like I proposed in a former post: if we are with four, we play in two teams. If we are with more, we play a game and teams switches for the second game.)
Who’s there 8:30 in Terra Nova!?





posted by ZaPaTa in *LAME* Clan,Deathmatches,Teamdeathmatches and have Comments (12)

12 Responses to “It’s that time again!”

  1. JesseJames says:

    Have fun Mope in Ukraine.

  2. Mope says:

    Friends, I’m going on vacation, some family roots research trip to Ukraine. No access to SG, but I’ll be on jabber from time to time. See you in a week, I’ll be thirsty for blood.

  3. SAPE says:

    My PC is broken. Sorry.

    @Zap: Do you want to have a chance again Blizz? Practice, practice an practice. 😉

  4. ZaPaTa says:

    Same here, hadn’t had the time to join the game (or to do a banner :D) tonight. Too bad 🙁 (although last games against Blizzard were that brutal. That was even not challenging anymore, just waiting to die. See those scores. Really demotivating)

  5. JesseJames says:

    Sorry guys I was not @home today, was there a teammatch today?

  6. JesseJames says:

    Tnx for the screen mope, but it’s two times the same. 🙂
    Blizz was outstanding and we played for the second place.

    Also the TDM was very good (execpt the tunisian guy) 😉

  7. SAPE says:

    I am in too.

  8. Mope says:

    Count me in

  9. JesseJames says:

    I’am in, ready to pull the trigger.BTW nice picture zapa

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