No time anymore –> no playing

Gringos, my time is running out, too much work on other projects for the next months.

So i decided to leave the clan.

I’m sorry for that, because it was always fun with you.


posted by Deleted User in *LAME* Clan and have Comments (8)

8 Responses to “No time anymore –> no playing”

  1. SAPE says:

    Jippi, I know we had some disagreement in the past, but I think we solved the problem.
    You are a very important part of the clan. Please, stay with us, if it is possible.
    I hope you stay with us.

  2. @spi says:

    hey jjy,

    dont make a hard break …
    why do you not stay in *LAME* as a frozen or inactive member ?

    cheers !

  3. JesseJames says:

    Jippi I have also much work the next two months but I can leave with the idea that I have more time after that to play again.
    So think about it, you can be a member of the clan but take a pause and then come back.
    Your knifes are legendary even your PC skills. Hope you will follow us and the game.

  4. Biondo says:

    Bad news, Jippi. My advice is take a pause, but don’t leave the clan (I’m an expert in leaving 😉 ). The clan still need you presence.

    • JippiJaYeah says:

      >>The clan still need you presence.
      That’s the problem, i can not be as present as I would like to, in game or on our website.

  5. ZaPaTa says:

    Jippi, you’re far too skilled to leave SG 😀
    I agree with mope, and I also made a post with the same feeling, but remember: it’s summer, we all have ‘projects’, so we cool down a bit with the clan, until september or soo. In the winter, you always find time to catch up, IMO.

    Plz take some time to think about it. Even if you’re not a regular player, you can keep the prefix and join us from time to time, later in the year.

    Cheers, Zapa

  6. Mope says:

    Jippi, if the reason of your decision is lack of time, you really don’t need to leave the clan. Just take a break, we’ll wait for your return. And if it’s more than this we always can discuss any problem. Please, don’t rush, we need you. Even your nick adds our clan power and prestige.

  7. Desconhecido says:

    was fun play with u jippi . u and your knifes . were too much for me .
    was a pleasure to play with u .
    The good moments that we pass in Tn in thursdays was amazing .
    hugs for u JippiJaYeah.
    from Desconhecido 😉

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