Old West

From Texas to Montana and Colorado to California, we love the Old West!

Page devoted to informations on Old West with emphasis on saloons, railroads, cowboys, photographs, paintings, weapons, and just about everything the men and women of the old west used in their everyday lives.

3 Responses to “Old West”

  1. Biondo says:

    Sorry Soldas,

    we don’t accept players that are not BallerBude’s registered players since months. We are not recruiting (we already are a big clan), but if we had to decide to recruit somebody, we’d accept only well known players that respect all rules listed here:

    Sorry, maybe in the future…

  2. Soldas says:

    Please accepte me

  3. Soldas says:

    I Want to join Lame Clan And i want to test accepte me if you want

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