…why i can’t get on this or on that roof?
Provided for a long time…now…you find the solutions under the menu HOW TO….Jippi

posted by Deleted User in *LAME* Clan and have Comments (6)

6 Responses to “WHAT THE HELL ….”

  1. JippiJaYeah says:

    Hey Gringos,

    is there any funny tricks you know, please leave a message here. I make a short video of it.


  2. SAPE says:

    Very nice work Jippi.

  3. ZaPaTa says:

    Well I bow! A deep bow full of respect, what a great collection of tricks there. I love the way of using a gatling as a stepladder. (is this right english?) I’ll try it, I’m sure in this way there must be even more tricks. Well, first collect the money for a gatlin. Anyone funding me? XD

    I even love the looks of the gifs. It’s a great style. Thanks Jippie!

  4. Slowly John says:

    so funny!!! thx 😀

  5. JesseJames says:

    Hahah this is EPIC!

  6. Biondo says:

    LOL. Wonderful!

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