You need a new Peacemaker? Try this one…

posted by Deleted User in SG Weapons and have Comments (6)

6 Responses to “You need a new Peacemaker? Try this one…”

  1. This should become an official weapon of NuBs instead of those damn Peacemakers! 😀

  2. ZaPaTa says:

    My first smile is there for today 🙂

  3. @spi says:

    hehe … if its available ingame, this weapon should improve my suicide stats … we need it in sg ! 😉

  4. Mope says:

    I really don’t get why do you need a front sight on it. The cylinder can be useful for playing Russian Roulette.

  5. SAPE says:

    Nice weapon. Great work.

    Do you know where the best western firearm replicas are made nowadays?

    In Italy.

    The products of these manufacturers are high quality made, reliabe and affordable weapons.

  6. Biondo says:

    😀 ah ah!

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