A hunting trip gone awry

Nobody exactly knows what happened at Greenhill Lake on Thursday, but sure it’s the most bloodcurdling event in the history of the county.
Nine men have lost their lives in the carnage, while the police is still searching for a missing one. Friends of the victims report that the group went to the lake for a hunting trip, as they were used to do on every Thursday since long time. Nobody could have expected such a tragic end.

[Click on image for full size].

The Police is at work at the crime scene collecting traces and clues that might explain what happened. For what transpires until now, it seems that –probably under the effects of rivers of Whiskey– a discussion among the ten friends had degenerated into insults. Someone said “Lame!”, someone else replied in the same tone, another one (probably the one known as Jippi), extracted his knife and started aiming at the pardners. In a flash, all the men pointed their Winchesters one against each other and after few minutes of hell, a deadly silence retook possession of Greenhill Lake again.

The scene that appears to our eyes is disheartening. Corpses lying on the ground here and there, under the trees, over the turret, inside, around, and even over the roof of the house. But the most striking thing of all is the colour of the lake: red! Red of blood.

πŸ™‚ Hehe, just to say: it’s Thursday! Propose your map/server/game here.

posted by Biondo in *LAME* Clan,Deathmatches,Graphics & Photos and have Comments (23)

23 Responses to “A hunting trip gone awry”

  1. JesseJames says:

    Hehe their is also a facebookgroup (circus maximus) so you can talk to other guys of the SG scene.

  2. Barto says:

    Yes, Tijuana is definitely a small map made for some quick fight. I’m not a really fast player or a shotgun user, this is why I did not made the exploit of lake.
    Winnies and lake are fitting nicely together. Sure, the fastest way to knock out your enemy was to make an headshot. But as I also saw there, with winnies, the players are doing some more movements to avoid being shot and this is a little harder to aim.
    I was also there at the station, but well, I kinda forgot my harmonica and I had some lags (see the r620 post on sg’s website). Anyway, this was again a tons of fun to play πŸ™‚

    Now just a little nooby question, is there a way, like for IRC, for being able to use some instant messaging system. I’m sure you’re some nice guys and, well, that won’t be bad to know a little more your personality πŸ™‚

    • Biondo says:

      Thanks Barto!

      Instant messaging: some of us have a Jabber account, and mainly in the late evening we chat there. If you want you can find me there. To avoid to be spammed, I’ll send you my ID via a private message in SG forum.

  3. ZaPaTa says:

    Great evening, very fun games. I like the fact LAKE is now a winnie-territoy. Thanks Doc & Biondo. It’s a disastrous weapon, and I didn’t know it could make headshots. Ofcourse I was distracted by Horatio, and unprepared with this winnie (It’s not my kind of winnie πŸ˜‰ ) so 7 to 30 for a score isn’t a real score…But I had good times, very fun.
    Also, we played an aftermatch with Mope and Sarah in Station, we had a lot of fun moving the trains and getting under the rails πŸ˜€

    thanx for the evening, I like the matches with a theme (like LAKE is now, stricktly Winnie…)CU next time

  4. Slowly John says:

    …too bad, i had no time yesterday, but i hope to our next meeting.

    @Biondo: great story, nice picture!!!

  5. SAPE says:

    It was great and fun. GG all!

  6. JesseJames says:

    HEhe great game with you Barto πŸ™‚ And yes i was the first who knew his mystery :).
    And i won in Tiujana so it was a very funny evening. Also with the winnie. Thanks Doc!

  7. Biondo says:

    hey, Dike, still here?? Read my answer to your comment above: TN autodownload is not disabled. I just made a try. Sure it’s disabled in your client. Check i

  8. Horatio Caine says:

    Wow, that was tense in all sense of terms πŸ™‚
    Let’s start to tell who I am. This was “the mistery” of the game. No, i’m not Dike, I wasn’t jippy, nor Sarah. I admit that I know how to use the /rcon power because I kinda suggested you to scan my ip. Unfortunately, I wasn’t knowing that you did not have power there, my apologize.
    Well, maybe the murderer at dm_lake was just… |RP|ElBarto .
    I already revealed my identity to jesse james, maybe it already spreaded out. Anyway, that was a really nice moment to pass with you. Cu maybe next time.


  9. Biondo says:

    Ok, it finished.
    Don’t know who played well (sure not me) and who don’t. I hadn’t time to look at scores, my attention was captured by Horatio Caine. Who is he? Of course he wasn’t spam, and he is somebody used to \rcon commands, he is admin somewhere. I don’t have access to \rcon commands in TN. Who are you Horatio?? πŸ™‚

  10. JippiJaYeah says:

    Horatio Caine is the investigator of CSI: Miami.;)

    10 lame member in a shooting.
    9 men dead.
    1 alive.
    = sarah

    • Biondo says:

      I thought he was you, Jippi-Ya-YEAAAAHHHHH, but I see I was wrong.
      Maybe he is Dike (aka XOP-Magician) or it’s just spam.

      Your proposed solution, playing with words men/women was very smart, anyhow. Congrats!

      • it’s not me. my writing style is bad, thus distinguishable from others πŸ˜€

        anyway, it’s at least the second week i am trying to connect (forgot to tell ya), but the autodownload function was disabled. i am too tired (have to sleep soon) to explain why it’s not a good idea imho. maybe i didn’t consider every aspect of that issue, maybe it’s not even disabled on purpose – anyway, – asking politely and curious for reasons – why it isn’t enabled? πŸ™‚

        • Biondo says:

          Your writing style is better, we know πŸ™‚

          OMG, autodownload is disabled in TN?? I have no power in TN, but I’ll write to TheDoctor about it. Sure it was a mistake, not a choice.

        • Biondo says:

          Dike, in TN autodownload is not disabled. I just made a try. Sure it’s disabled in your client. Check it.

  11. Mope says:

    Detective Mope comes to solve the mystery.

  12. JesseJames says:

    BTWHoratio Caine who are you in game? πŸ™‚
    TNx to visiting our little clan.

    Biondo, also a nice new innovation with the coming events.GREAT work.

    • Biondo says:

      Hmm… Horatio Caine. A mystery in the mystery. Is he the missing man of Greenhill Lake? Is he the one who survived the carnage, now living in disguise? And if he is, what is his real name?
      Let’s see how he closed his comment: “YEAAAAHHHHH”. Hmm… this reminds me of someone πŸ˜‰

  13. JesseJames says:

    Nice story Biondo, love it (also the figure with the police line do not cross is very nice πŸ™‚ )

    Wow what do you think of LAKE? πŸ™‚ and Tiujana?

  14. SAPE says:

    πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

    I will be there. CU.

  15. Horatio Caine says:

    Sounds like,
    The winnies,
    cut their cigars.

    /me puts his dark glasses.


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