Archive for the 'Tips' Category

SG on Linux

Hi All,

Anyone using Linux to run SG? I know Biondo does.
I’ll try running SG on my other, damaged Vista-computer (vista damaged my Nvidia driver,NVidia nvlddmkm. Google it, you will see Nvidia ignores people with that problem. The bug is up and running for more then two years, and not Vista and not Nvidia did anything to help the problem. There is still no solution so far…) So I try running it in Linux, since i tested the graphic card there and it works properly.

I’ll run it from an Ubuntu USB-stick (you can run Linux from a stick, instead of installing it over Windows. Now I open my brand new SG-folder I’ve just downloaded. I’ll try to run it in Ubuntu but nothing happens. I think I have to open the .x86 file, but with what? I believe there is no ย programย assigned to open a .x86 file…Can anyone help me out here? Thanks!

posted by ZaPaTa in *LAME* Clan,Commands & Config,Tips and have Comments (9)

The word “lamerick” officially appears in Urban Dictionary

Our neologism lamerick (a mix of lame and limerick) officially enters in Urban Dictionary … [Mugs, T-shirts, Mousepads, Magnets available] ๐Ÿ™‚

But what is Urban Dictionary anyway?

When you start playing online games, one of the first problems you have to solve is understanding what others are saying in game chat.

In a virtual world where people from all regions and dialects come together and communicate in real time with everyone else, it should be no surprise that the language used in these cyber realms takes on qualities of its own.

gg, bb, cu, cya, omg, afk, lame, noob, cheat, pwned, lol, brb, n1, gn, thx, ty, ns, lag, ping, bot, camper, kick, spec, wtf, idk, k, np, …

Hmm…, for me it wasn’t easy at all, until someone pointed me to Urban Dictionary.

Urban Dictionary is a web-based dictionary of slang words and phrases, which contains over 10 million definitions. Submissions are regulated by volunteer editors and rated by site visitors. Most words have multiple definitions, usage examples, and tags. Many examples are funny, though frequently gross.

[BTW, the image above is an accurate Wordle of the words I used more frequently in BallerBude game chat, during the 6 months when I was admin. Based on BB logs].

posted by Biondo in Lamericks,Smokin' Guns,Tips and have Comments (6)

A little help with English language

None of us has English as his native language, and for someone this is such a big problem to prevent them from posting, commenting and even reading these pages. So here is my little help about this.

[Hmm… of course in English language ๐Ÿ˜ ]

1– Use the Firefox browser with spell-checking incorporated.

Firefox automatically checks the spelling of words that you enter in text boxes containing more than one line. As soon as you finish typing a word, it is checked against the words in the installed dictionary. If the word is not found in the dictionary, it will be underlined in red


To use the English spell-checker, you have to add the English dictionary to Firefox:

This will help you a lot!

2– I also frequently use Google Translate when I forget a word translation or just to check what I wrote:|en

If instead of text you paste a URL into the field, Google Translate will give you back a transated version of the site (Beware: magic link!

posted by Biondo in Tips,WordPress and have Comments (7)

All those little faces: smileys’ reference table

[Original source:ย  The Wiggles – Cold Spaghetti Western (I don’t really know what demential show is this, but I found it useful here) eh eh]

Just for reference of all gunslingers writing and commenting here, this is how text characters emoticons are automatically translated into graphic smileys (or “smilies”) by our WordPress installation. As you can see some of them can be obtained with 3 different versions of text.

If you don’t like graphical smileys, you can always use Japanese style emoticons ๐Ÿ˜› (

These smileys were redesigned from original WP ones. And a cowboy hat was applied to them, copying the style of Smokin’ Guns forum (hey, a cowboy hat! Nice idea guys! [See also Sergio Leone’s citation below]).

[JavaScript should be enabled for a correct rendering of this table]

Icon Text Text Full text

The use of emoticons can be traced back to the 19th century, and they were commonly used in casual and/or humorous writing. Digital forms of emoticons on the Internet were included in a proposal by Scott Fahlman of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in a message on 19 September 1982


I’ve always been intrigued by MrGreen … what does it mean? Searching the web you find different and contrasting explanations: “I’m super happy”, “I’m a noob here”, “I’m sarcastic”, “I feel envy”, … :mrgreen:

Sergio Leone –famous director of many “Spaghetti Westerns”– reportedly took to Eastwood’s distinctive style quickly, and commented that “I like Clint Eastwood because he has only two facial expressions: one with the hat, and one without it.” The same lack of expressiveness that we have when we must talk in a foreign language. Emoticons help us to better express our thoughts in a visual way, avoiding misunderstandings.
But don’t abuse!

posted by Biondo in Graphics & Photos,Tips,WordPress and have Comments (7)