Another exceptional discovery from clan’s historical archives!

Jippi, when he was a child!

standard oil - Charlie Allen

posted by Biondo in *LAME* Clan,Graphics & Photos and have Comments (16)

16 Responses to “Another exceptional discovery from clan’s historical archives!”

  1. GREYMAN says:

    Certainly a beautiful place. I have an idea: We’re going to hike there, if the LAME clan over the past 15 years.
    How about that?

  2. JippiJaYeah says:

    The first Fort (Fort Bliss) was build in El Paso.
    Something magic? Hmm, this town has one of the highest murder rate by shooting in USA. And sometime you can feel the old Western with ranches, cowboy hats, cows, old trains, square dance. The town has the longest beach, 2000 miles of sand to next coast.;) Anyway i like this town with the mountains, the dry air, the sand, and the cactuses.

  3. JesseJames says:

    Oh yes you told that once. :), but living in an old western town it’s something magic?

  4. JesseJames says:

    wow you went to EL Paso with your class?

    • JippiJaYeah says:

      No, i stay with my parents for on year El Plaso. It was the second time, after three years from ’72 to ’75.

  5. JesseJames says:

    Hhaah great picture biondo and Jippi :). Look the boy his face with the blue sweater and his blue/ white ‘hood’. What a smile was that? 😀

    BTW jippi what was your costume here? He don’t look like a cowboy 🙂

    • JippiJaYeah says:

      Well, i didn’t really remember anymore what my costume was.
      I was been surprising by my sister a few month ago, when she send me the picture. The picture was taken in ’78 when i was 9 years old and it shows my third degree german class in El Paso/Tx/USA.

  6. ZaPaTa says:

    Has anyone noticed The Joker in the background!?
    “Why so serious?”


  7. Biondo says:

    Hmm… I remember I’ve seen a photo of you in past times, but I can’t reveal the secret here 😉

  8. JippiJaYeah says:

    Hehe, looks like gasolin robbing.

    Maybe you find me here:

    jippi as child..

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