Are you ready? Get Active!

Get Active Lazy Cows!
(I, ZaPa, made a small ‘call to action’ but Jesse was first here to remind us. So, It’s just my pic 😀 )
Hey guys/girl

After a few weeks without playing a good deadmatch it’s that time again. Are you ready to shoot the other cowboys?
Put here your maps and other things. 🙂


Jesse James

posted by JesseJames in *LAME* Clan and have Comments (6)

6 Responses to “Are you ready? Get Active!”

  1. JesseJames says:

    Like always 8u30 in TerraNova

  2. Sarah says:

    I cant play tonight I’ve already made plans.

    Have a good game

  3. SAPE says:

    My PC still broken. I can’t play today.Sorry.

  4. Desconhecido says:

    im IN , my school require a little of work , but i got some time in afternoons , just in tuesday is more dificult for me , but the rest of the days is ok 🙂

  5. Mope says:

    Call the time!

  6. ZaPaTa says:

    Yep, I’m in, would like to do some TDM too!
    Maybe a duel too?

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