Come & get the *LAMES*s

posted by Deleted User in *LAME* Clan and have Comments (11)

11 Responses to “Come & get the *LAMES*s”

  1. JippiJaYeah says:


  2. ZaPaTa says:

    Looks like you all had a great party,
    I couldn’t make it, sorry, had a birthday-party (not mine :D)
    Catch you next week 🙂

  3. JesseJames says:

    Thanks everyone for the great evening, we were with a lot of players and that was nice! 2 times I was the third so not so bad. 🙂

  4. Sarah says:

    How can I put the screenshots from tonight’s game onto this?

  5. Desconhecido says:

    i will try to be there guys , because i got some work to do if i finish it first i go to kill some :P. cya there

  6. Sarah says:

    I’ll be there 🙂

  7. JesseJames says:

    Tonight it is LAMEDAY!! See you @20u30 central time. 🙂

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