It’s time to die

I know I’am a bit late but it’s a reminder that it’s Thursday today.

Let meet each other in TN @8u30

posted by JesseJames in Deathmatches and have Comments (7)

7 Responses to “It’s time to die”

  1. SAPE says:

    Sorry, I was too tired. GG all!

  2. jesse james says:

    Very nice Sarah you was outstanding, much better than me and the other LAME’s and the strange Da Patey. WHo is he? Maybe El Barto, DIke?,…

    The new maps are very good, only a few details to make them more realistic. The little desert have a real cowboyfeeling, but is a bit for the campers.
    The great house in the wood have also a few faults in it. But it’s nice that their are new maps, it’s good because nobody knows the camping places,…
    Good work TN!!

  3. Mope says:

    I’ve got the screen of the second game


  4. Wiskey says:

    I can’t play today, when I start game and try connect to TN game crashes ”vm_create on UI failed” . I do tomorrow re-installation.

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