Lame Weekly Deathmatch

posted by Deleted User in *LAME* Clan and have Comments (11)

11 Responses to “Lame Weekly Deathmatch”

  1. Jippi says:

    Thank you for playing with us with your intercontinental ping (my idea 😉 ) Not easy to play with it. jippi sending outer space with my htc

  2. JesseJames says:

    Hehe tnx You that you enjoy our Deadmatches. It’s always fun with you. 🙂

  3. YOU says:

    Glad I could be of service to you guys, getting shot up all full of holes and all! Seriously fun when you guys are there. Great competition and loads of friendly advice.
    Thanks for the fun….

    YOU aka Intercontinentalping

  4. Sarah says:

    I have no idea what happened and no one noticed it had died. It’s very bad that it was not removed as dead fish create ammonia in the water and it can harm the others 🙁

    Thanks Jesse 🙂

  5. JesseJames says:

    Hehe the history about your fish, what was the problem? 🙂

    Have fun with the friends!

  6. Sarah says:

    I couldn’t play on Thursday as I got carried away with my fish tank. I went to France for two weeks and when I got back there was a half eaten fish in my tank! So I had to sort that out.

    I also cant play this Thursday as I am going out for my friends birthday. Sorry I cant be there, have fun 🙂

  7. Mope says:

    Sorry, I wasn’t there too, fell asleep, hard week. Zap, if you especially like some western movie, please suggest us.

  8. ZaPaTa says:

    Sorry i wasnt there, ive been a little ill the last couple of days so i spared myself the excitment of a TDM. Ive watched a lot of westerns nonetheless online, nice streamingsite ive discovered, veehd.con…Check it 🙂

  9. JesseJames says:

    No problem Wiskey it’s nearby summer (so more thunderstorms and broken connections 🙂 ).

    Thanks to all the guys who played with us. Jippi was again outstanding, but i’am happy with my 2 second places. 🙂

  10. Wiskey says:

    Sorry guys, in here was yesterday thunderstorm, so I had no possibilities to play. Maybe next time then

  11. Desconhecido says:

    REALlt good games . isnt tijuana my best . but did it some kills .
    Well played Lame clan.
    Ande the rest of thta played with us .

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