The *Lame*s love their only female member…

Deathmatch, tonight at 20:30 central.

Beware of Sarah.

posted by Deleted User in *LAME* Clan and have Comments (5)

5 Responses to “The *Lame*s love their only female member…”

  1. Mope says:

    I’m terribly sorry about the image quality , something has gone wrong at optimizing stage, and I’ve overrun the originals. You still can guess the nicks though.




  2. Desconhecido says:

    Very nice jippi 😀 , that gun of “hair dryer ” 😛 .
    I will try to get in TN today 🙂 my work is a lot, but lame day is just 1 day each weak 🙂 . count me in 🙂
    Huges ,
    Descon 🙂

  3. ZaPaTa says:

    Hehe Nice one JJY! Very cool promo for the evening,
    I’ll be there too!

  4. Sarah says:

    Very nice Jippi, made me laugh and was a surprise 🙂

    I will be there, see you later.

  5. JesseJames says:

    Hilarious Jippi!! One of the best comics ever. 🙂
    I hope I can play for a second place…

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