Thursday’s Game

Hi all

I don’t think I can play tonight because I am supposed to be going out.

I hope you all find the time to go on and have fun.

See you next week 🙂




posted by Sarah in *LAME* Clan and have Comments (8)

8 Responses to “Thursday’s Game”

  1. Wiskey says:

    It should be interesting battle, I tried to connect but my wlan decide to prevent my connecting.

  2. JippiJaYeah says:

    My new background music for BB.

    Have Gun! 🙂

    Johnny Western -Ninenteen Men

  3. Mope says:

    Heh, I don’t know if there was a ClanMatch today, but there was epic clash of titans today on BB.

    Biondo, when I see you waiting for the prey behind the gatling, all focuse, it reminds me of this performance. Look at this guy in the middle, behind the washing machines. And remember: “Turn around!”

    • SAPE says:

      Yep, it was an epic fight. Some veteran cowboy played just for fun. I never forget this game. Thanx. 🙂

    • Biondo says:

      haha 😀 one of the funniest games ever. Pure fun! The saloon burning in New Town, people hung to the chandelier, Gatlings’s rhythms in the back, and humour in the air. Liberatory.
      Thanks for the game friends.

  4. JesseJames says:

    Indeed I have to keep an eye on a few kids, it will be fun…

  5. ZaPaTa says:

    Hi S, I think JJ can’t make it neither, and I’ll be late from work tonight, so probably cant make it too 🙁
    So bad 🙁 Hope to play soon with you all

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