Time flies (and it’s Thursday again)

It’s Clan’s deathmatch time!

Day: Thursday 8 September 2011.
Time: 20:30 (Finland and Israel, 21:30).
Gametype: 2 DM & 2 TDM.
Servers: Terra Nova + Nargajunas
TDM Teams: [Jippi, RemsLeTruand, Wiskey, Greyman, Zapata with male model] vs [Biondo, Mope, Sape, Jesse with female model].
Or propose something else.

Is it OK?
Please vote for maps.

posted by Biondo in *LAME* Clan,Deathmatches,Teamdeathmatches and have Comments (11)

11 Responses to “Time flies (and it’s Thursday again)”

  1. JesseJames says:

    Ok Wiskey I see you their 🙂

  2. Wiskey says:

    I am sorry but i forget that time. I put next clan war for my cellphone so it can tell me that

  3. JesseJames says:

    No problem @spi. we were only with 4 so not a clanwar 🙂

  4. @spi says:

    arrgg …. i was busy @work and @home ….. forget the time for TM LAME match party ! sry !

    …cu friends


  5. JesseJames says:

    Sape and I worked well together i find if you look at last week :). And it works not Sape? 🙂
    Next week if we are with more it gonna be the MAX!

  6. SAPE says:

    Grey phoned, he is still in the Hospital. He can’t come today. 🙁

  7. SAPE says:

    Grey phoned, he work in the hospital overtime. He will come if he can, but probably late.

  8. JesseJames says:

    OK? I have choose my maps, I’am ready to play 🙂

  9. Mope says:

    I’m sorry, can’t make it today – too much work… see you all next Thursday!

  10. JippiJaYeah says:

    RemsLeTruand can play for me -i have to today Volleyball training.

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