Weekly Clan DM

(photo via boobob92)

Terra Nova as usual? Be there!

posted by Mope in *LAME* Clan and have Comments (9)

9 Responses to “Weekly Clan DM”

  1. JesseJames says:

    @zapata’s comment, that was my post, but I see that ZaPaTa was online on my pc . 🙂

  2. SAPE says:

    Nice games. Ty all!

  3. Wiskey says:

    Thanks Mope. I have to added maps manually to sg folder, I don’t know why it can’t download them automatically. When I finally get to game, my ping was terrible.

  4. ZaPaTa says:

    Ok very nice Mope. It was laggy but we played and have fun, also after the game in BB.
    Sape was outstanding and that’s make me a bit happy :), also i’am happy with my 2 second places.

  5. Mope says:

    And Sape is getting 2 points, JesseJames with 1 point. I’ve updated the scores.

  6. Mope says:

    ty you all. It was very, but very LAGGY today. Sometime it looked like oldschool stop-motion movie. But we were there, in spite of the troubles, and that’s what’s really important. Wiskey, I must admit, your struggle with the connection made me proud. Sape was outstanding, as always. Jesse played very nice too. Biondo, JJ, and John, we missed you!



  7. JesseJames says:

    very nice graphic Mope! Very funny with the bears,etc

    I will be there with ZaPaTa.
    I’am oiling my colts and sawed :)-

  8. GREYMAN says:

    Nice picture Mpoe!
    I be there, but it is not my day.

  9. ZaPaTa says:

    I’ll be there! That’s right!
    (I did read the ‘Are we really so Lame topic, but I won’t react there. Too much chit-chat and small talk).
    See you tonight, hopefully all in a better mood.

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