
posted by Mope in and have Comments (8)

8 Responses to “shot0014”

  1. SCeese says:

    lol a not *LAME* ghost… she shot me, here I am BOO! 😀

  2. SCeese says:

    lol, I was wondering why my post didn’t show up 😀

    • Biondo says:

      This post is non existent 😀
      Your previous comment was copied to an existing post.
      Go away ghost !!


  3. Biondo says:

    You created a Media, not a post. I can’t imagine how SCeese managed to comment it 🙂

    Mysteries of WordPress.

    The comment has been migrated to its right place.

  4. Mope says:

    oh…. what have I done???? I’ve created a post (2 posts!) that
    even don’t exist! How do you move the comments from the posts that don’t exist?

    • Biondo says:

      I don’t remember … “I can’t remember” 😉
      I’ll try to do it, Mope. You haven’t made anything wrong, BTW.

  5. Biondo says:

    WTF, how did you manage to comment a post that doesn’t actually exists, SCeese?? 😀

    BTW, sorry I couldn’t play with you tonight 🙁

  6. SCeese says:

    It was great fun playing with you *LAME* people. There was a storm nearby, and I think it made my lag go up really bad… I really couldn’t use the pistols this time, as Sarah knows, it took me all 12 shots from both pistols to kill her at point blank range.. lol Great fun playing, see you soon!

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